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Dear Participants: The final pairings for this tournament have been announced !

First Saturday September 2024 IM

Last update 16.09.2024 10:44:58, Creator/Last Upload: Sahovski Savez Vojvodine

Starting rank list of players

1FMPapp Levente7512432365
10IMRaahul V S250355252343
5GMLalic Bogdan4090812318
6IMTo Nhat Minh7290192300
2FMBesedes Danilo9467962288
4GMIlincic Zlatko9003462274
8Aamodt Peder Marcus15436792188
9Kudaibergen Nurlykhan137246652150
7Hammari Vinjar15520072120
3Khoo-Thwe Louis15387562088